Problems with teeth? Foods that you can not chew

Problems with teeth? Foods that you can not chew

With age, various problems appear in human teeth. Chewing hard things in old age can also cause toothache. So in order to save teeth, many people reduce their food and drink. Due to this one has to suffer from malnutrition. At this time some food can be eaten which can be swallowed by chewing a little.

Let's see what foods can be eaten in old age-

Dairy products and animal proteins

Usually, various foods made from milk are soft and easy to digest. Swallowing cheese, yogurt or cheese does not require special speed of teeth. Besides, the most favorite types of fish of Bengalis can also be swallowed with a little chewing. These types of foods help the body meet its protein needs.


Everyone between the ages of 6 and 70 can eat khichuri with ease. Cooking khichuri with a little more water does not require much chewing. As a result, it can be eaten easily.


Almost everyone now knows about the health benefits of soup. The increase in the time interval between the two foods is not very good for the stomach. The problem can be solved by playing soup.


Oats can be easily swallowed if cooked with the right amount of water. If necessary, you can make oats with a little more water. You can also add bananas or various seasonal fruits to the oats.

Boiled vegetables

Properly covered, it will withstand a lot of adverse conditions. Besides, vegetables like pumpkin and papaya can be swallowed easily if they are boiled a little more.

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