Protect Your Pet from Serious Respiratory Infection, Miami-Dade Dog Owners

Protect Your Pet from Serious Respiratory Infection, Miami-Dade Dog Owners
A rise in the number of Canine Infectious Respiratory Disease Complex cases in South Florida has prompted one county to issue a warning to dog owners.

Visits to the veterinarian, keeping dogs on current immunization schedules, and avoiding dog parks or other locations with several dogs are all recommended by Miami-Dade Animal Services to help protect their pets from the virus.

At its Wellness Clinic, owner surrender, and offsite pet adoption events, MDAS is also postponing spay and neuter operations, vaccines, and microchipping.

Protect Your Pet from Serious Respiratory Infection, Miami-Dade Dog Owners

CIRDC is very infectious and can be dangerous to dogs' health. The illness can spread quickly among dogs that are kept together or in close quarters, such as in kennels or dog parks.

Direct contact with an infected dog and interaction with individuals who have been exposed to the virus are both ways that CIRDC is disseminated. People's clothing, hands, and things such as food and water bowls, collars, leashes, toys, and beds can all carry the infection.

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Coughing dogs release virus-laden mists that may spread up to 20 feet. Coughing, sneezing, and nasal and/or ocular discharge are all symptoms.

If you suspect your dog has CIRDC, call your veterinarian right once since it is readily treated with disinfectants, handwashing with soap, washing clothing, and cleaning food bowls and toys.

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